Saturday, May 31, 2008


First of all thanks Ali for the tag and the subtle hint that I need to post more often! I have been tagged before but I have never done it so here goes!
How to play this game. Post these rules on your blog; List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.

3 Joys: 1. Watching movies late at night with my wonderful husband after we put Wes to sleep. 2. Tanning, I have found that I really like to go to the tanning bed because it is so relaxing to lay there and do nothing for 15 minutes. 3. Watching Wes play with his toys, especially his "Cho, Cho" he will push his trains all over the house all day and he is so stinkin cute when he does it and that bring me a lot of Joy!

3 Fears: 1. I have a huge fear of Scorpions! We have only ever seen one in our house and that was almost two years ago and Eric is convinced that the bug guys planted it in our house! I shake out our sheets every night because I am so scared of getting stung! 2. Something happening to my boys! 3. I am terrified of spending the night at my house by myself, I won't do it so when Eric goes out of town I either have someone come stay with me or I go to Stacey's!

3 Goals: 1. To exercise and get a tone body! 2. Plan a trip to Hawaii with just Eric and I in the next 6 months. 3. Finish decorating my house, my house needs so much more help in that department!

3 Current Obsessions/Collections: 1. Calorie counting, I hate it but it is necessary! 2. Picture taking, I want so bad to be good at taking pictures so I take hundreds and beg Eric for one of those big cameras to try and become a mommy photographer! 3. Shopping, I think it is a ongoing obsession that I have a feeling will never go away!

3 Random Facts: 1. When I was born I was premature and I almost died. 2. I recently discovered that I think I have a little OCD, I have been noticing that I do a lot of things in a exact routine and when I don't I can't relax until I do. Like getting ready for bed at night I have to wash my face, brush my teeth, put my hair in a pony tail, take a drink of water, put chap stick on, use the bathroom, check on Wes, shake out my sheets, lay with a pillow between my knees and then finally I can go to sleep! If I don't do one of those things I literally can not go to sleep until I get up and do it. 3. I love to doodle, when i sit down to write out some ideas I have for work I find my self doodling on the side of the page. It actually helps to clear my head from everyday things and I always end up coming up with good ideas for work when I doodle.

I Tag:

Cari Rooney

Maren Urkov

Jamie Dwiggins

Cindy Reed

Stacey Murphy

P.S. I will not be mad if you don't do it!


Ali said...

YEAH a new post, That is so funny about your sheets. I used to think people like that were so weird, and then i got stung cause one got in my pant leg when i put them on and now i shake my pants like 15 times before i put them on. Miss ya hope to see you soon.

Maren said...

thanks for the tag! i will do it but maybe tomorrow.
how was NYC? i cant wait to see all the fun pictures and hear all about it. hope it was a great family trip! : )