Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Halloween Preview

Here is just a sneak peak at how cute my kiddos are going to be on Halloween! Stacey and I swapped costumes this year for our kids and she sent Wes and Gracee's home with us today so we tried them on tonight and lets just say we are going to hide Wes's from him tonight while he is sleeping! He wants to live in the thing! When I put Gracee's on her she started jumping and laughing so hard, Eric and I were doing the same, well the laughing part anyway! I just love them!

Mia Belle

I had so much fun this weekend taking some pictures of my good friend Gina's little girl Mia! She just turned one on September 17th and she is so adorable! She is ALL GIRL which you can see in some of these pics! Mia has the most gorgeous hair I have ever seen and her brown eyes just suck you in, it's hard not to love her!